Hexo Template
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js. Here is the template of it.
Demo | Official Website | Documentation | GitHub
This repository uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD. You don’t need to build your documents manually. Just commit your documents (then run git push
), and then turn on the GitHub Pages in the settings to access your online documents. (For this demo is https://mmdjiji.github.io/hexo-template)
!!! Attention !!!
There are two lines to modify in _config.yml
- (At line 16) Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as
1 | url: https://jiji.pro/hexo-template |
- (At line 107) Set your project name here, if your project name is
, just remove it at the end of_config.yml
1 | root: /hexo-template |
If you would not like to do so, it cannot work correctly.
Hexo Features
- Blazing fast generating
- Support for GitHub Flavored Markdown and most Octopress plugins
- One-command deploy to GitHub Pages, Heroku, etc.
- Powerful API for limitless extensibility
- Hundreds of themes & plugins
Install Hexo
1 | $ npm install hexo-cli -g |
Install with brew on macOS and Linux:
1 | $ brew install hexo |
Setup your blog
1 | $ hexo init blog |
Start the server
1 | $ hexo server |
Create a new post
1 | $ hexo new "Hello Hexo" |
Generate static files
1 | $ hexo generate |
More Information
- Read the documentation
- Visit the Awesome Hexo list
- Find solutions in troubleshooting
- Join discussion on Google Group, Discord, Gitter or Telegram
- See the plugin list and the theme list on wiki
- Follow @hexojs for latest news
Follows hexojs/hexo , use MIT License.
All articles on this blog are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 unless otherwise stated.